
CX_ASSET - Asset


Class hierarchy

This class represents an asset.

Code example:
List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
SanityCheck INTEGERCheck for consistency of the object
Allocation STRING, INTEGER OBJECT Returns allocation of the desired type
AllocationMA * STRING, INTEGER Access to allocations
Allocators COLLECTION Allocations referring to this object
BillOfMaterial OBJECT Returns allocation "bill of material" (CX_BILL_OF_MATERIAL)
CastedStructureByCondition STRING OBJECT
ClassFilter STRING, INTEGER OBJECT This object, if it corresponds to a particular class
ClearingObject STRING, INTEGER OBJECT Assignment to settlement objects
ClearingObjectMA * STRING, INTEGER Assignment to settlement objects
ConditionedFilter STRING OBJECT
ConditionedFilter2 OBJECT OBJECT
ConnectStateStructure OBJECT, STRING Connect to the status structure
Deleted INTEGERObject marked as deleted?
Description STRING Name of this object
ForceMonitor STRING OBJECT ?
GetDomain INTEGERDomain of this object
GetSiblings COLLECTION All siblings of this object
GetSiblings2 COLLECTION All siblings of this object
GetSlotEntries VECTOR<OBJECT> Return of internal information on slots
GetStructure OBJECT OBJECT Find subordinate structure that belongs to the same hierarchy
InsertMonitor OBJECT ?
ItemCastAllocation STRING, INTEGER OBJECT Returns allocation of the desired type
ItemCastAllocationMA * STRING, INTEGER Access to allocations
JobSchedule OBJECT Returns allocation "work schedule" (CX_JOB_SCHEDULE)
LastUpdate OBJECT Date of the last write access
LastUser INTEGERUser who last had write access to the object
Link OBJECT Add this object to the list of objects with validity
NextValidObject OBJECT Temporally subsequent validity object
OwnAllocation STRING, INTEGER OBJECT Returns allocation of the desired type
OwnAllocationMA * STRING, INTEGER Access to allocations
PreviousValidObject OBJECT Temporally preceding validity object
RemoveMonitor OBJECT ?
RemoveStateStructure STRING Find status structure according to uniqueID and release connection
RestrictedValidity * Validity range restricted?
SetDomain INTEGER, INTEGER Set domain
SetStructure OBJECT Ensures that a structure becomes a subordinate structure
ShortName STRING Short name of this object
Siblings * Objects with validity
SpanDateValidity * Validity range
StateStructure STRING OBJECT Find state structure by uniqueID (STRING) (not wrapped).
StateStructureWrapper STRING OBJECT Find state structure by uniqueID
string INTEGER CX_STRING Returns the string representation of the object
StructureByCondition STRING OBJECT Subordinate structure with a specific condition
StructureByID STRING OBJECT Subordinate structure with a specific unique key
StructureByIDMA * STRING Subordinate structures with a specific unique key
StructureByType STRING, INTEGER OBJECT Subordinate structure of a given type
TriggeredStateStructure STRING OBJECT Tries to switch state structure further and returns the new state structure(not wrapped).
TriggeredStateStructureWrapper STRING OBJECT Tries to switch state structure further and returns the new state structure(wrapped).
TriggerStateStructures Advances all status structures
UniqueID STRING Content of the fixed data field "uniqueID".
Unlink Remove this object from the list of objects with validity
Unlink2 Remove this object from the list of objects with validity
Valid OBJECT INTEGERCheck validity
ValidSince OBJECT Start of the validity range
ValidToday INTEGERValid today?
ValidUntil OBJECT End of the validity range
VerifySiblings INTEGERCheck ring of exchange objects

* MA = member access function,
greyed out = inherited function

Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description
allocations REL_MN CX_EXPANDABLE ?
attributeSet POINTER CX_ATTRIBUTE_SET Attributes describing this type in more detail
clearingObjects REL_MN CX_CLEARING_OBJECT Clearing_objects
generalTerms REL_1M CX_GENERAL_TERMS ?
item REL_1M CX_ITEM thing this type describes
monitors REL_MN CX_MONITOR ?
structures REL_MN CX_EXPANDABLE Organisational structures
uniqueID STRING * Unique key
validity POINTER CX_VALIDITY Validity period of the object

* I = Indexable data field,
greyed out = inherited data field.

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description
asset.mod Fixed assets Basic module
assetedt.mod Fixed Assets Editing Module
assetsel.mod Fixed assets selection module